Manicure Treatments

Hand Treatment: With passion for Nails we commit ourselves to provide outstanding results by using only the highest quality certified organic products through professionalism and highest hygiene standard.

  • Express Nail Care (20 minutes)
    Your nails will cut and file, cuticles tidy finished with hydrating cream.
  • Mini Male Manicure (30 minutes)
    Your hands will be soaked in a lovely mixture of water and organic sea salt, nails cut and filed, cuticles push back and tidied, then hands and arms massaged performed, (optional) nail strengthener or cuticles oils applied.
  • Full Male Manicure (50 minutes)
    Your hands will be soaked in a lovely mixture of water and organic sea salt, nails cut and filed, cuticles push back and tidied, hands and arms exfoliation then hands and arms massaged performed, (optional) nail strengthener or cuticles oils applied.
  • Deluxe Male Manicure (80 minutes)
    Your hands will be soaked in a lovely mixture of water and organic sea salt, your nails will be filed, cuticles pushed back and tidied, hands and arms exfoliation, mask applied on hands and arms then wrapped in warm mittens then hands and arms massaged performed, (optional) nail strengthener or cuticles oils applied.

Pedicure Treatments

  • Express Nail Care (20minutes)
    Your nails will cut and file, cuticles tidy finished with hydrating cream.
  • Mini Male Pedicure (30 minutes)
    Your feet will be soaked in a lovely mixture of water and organic sea salt, nails cut and filed, cuticles push back and tidied, then feet massaged performed, (optional) nail strengthener or cuticles oils applied.
  • Full Male Pedicure (50 minutes)
    Your feet will be soaked in a lovely mixture of water and organic sea salt, nails cut and filed, cuticles push back and tidied, callus works followed exfoliation, then legs and feet massage performed, (optional) nail strengthener or cuticles oils applied.
  • Deluxe Male Pedicure (80 minutes)
    Your feet will be soaked in a lovely mixture of water and organic sea salt, your nails will be filed, cuticles pushed back and tidied, callus works done and legs and feet exfoliation, mask will be applied on your legs and feet, massage followed to finish the treatment, (optional) nail strengthener or cuticle oil applied.